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Spreadsheets: how do I SUM values in a column, only if the text column has a 1?

Let's say I have this data

4     1
4     0
4     1
3     0
5     1

How do I write a function (using SUM or something like that) to add all the values on the left, if the values on the right are 1, or true

The total should be 13

like image 366
NullVoxPopuli Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 03:02


1 Answers

Assuming columns A and B are used...

Check just for 1:


If you want to check for TRUE also:

=SUMIF(B1:B5,"=1",A1:A5) + SUMIF(B1:B5,"=TRUE",A1:A5)
like image 107
Crispy Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 06:03
