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Spotlight extension in ios 9

I've downloaded Xcode 7 beta and found a new type of extension there. On WWDC 2015 nothing was said about it. It's called Spotligt extension. When Spotlight Extension in iOS 9 is called and for what it's used?

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Richard Mazkewich Avatar asked Jul 13 '15 11:07

Richard Mazkewich

1 Answers

From iOS 9.0:

App Search in iOS 9 gives users great new ways to access information inside of your app, even when it isn’t installed. When you adopt iOS 9 Search, users can access activities and content deep within your app through Handoff, Siri Reminders, and Search results.


Spotlight extension points:

  • Use the app indexing extension point to index data in your app.
  • Use the Index Maintenance extension point to support the reindexing of app data without launching the app.

It's basically an extension to provide content for the Spotlight search in iOS.

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Fabio Poloni Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

Fabio Poloni