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Spotify apps / home directory location (Windows local development)?



My development account for Spotify has been enabled and I am trying to walk through their simple tutorial app (http://developer.spotify.com/download/spotify-apps-api/tutorial/). I should note here that I am on a Win 7 workstation.

When I try to load the local app by typing 'spotify:app:Tutorial' in the search field I get the following msg/error: "Sorry, I could find this app. metadatafailed URI: spotify:app:Tutorial Error: appNotFound."

I have tried adding the app files to the following directories and still getting the error:

  • C:\Users\Me\Documents\Spotify\Tutorial (note this dir did not exist I created it)
  • C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Spotify
  • C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Spotify\Users\me-user
  • C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\Spotify
  • C:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\Users\me-user

So where exactly are you suppose to add the files so that Spotify will load local apps?


like image 798
OtoNoOto Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 11:01


People also ask

Where is the Spotify app located on my computer?

When Spotify is downloaded from spotify.com/download and installed, it will land in %appdata%. When Spotify is installed via Microsoft Store though, it gets called a Windows App and thereby lies in a hidden WindowsApps folder under Program Files.

How do I change my Spotify data location?

Open your Spotify app for desktop. On your home page, click Settings > Show Advanced Settings. Under Offline storage location, click Change Locations and select your preferred Spotify cache folder.

2 Answers

Your first guess is correct (C:\Users\Me\Documents\Spotify\Tutorial). However you need to be running the latest preview release (https://www.spotify.com/uk/download/previews/). And on my PC I had to completely un-install and reinstall the application before the developer options became enabled.

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akakjs Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


Not sure whether it helps in your case, but try naming the folder tutorial with lowercase t. See Spotify Tutorial example app is blank

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Niklas Berglund Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Niklas Berglund