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Splittling list of JSON key/value pairs into columns of a row in a Dataset

I have a column with a list of key/value objects:

|ID  | Settings                                                                                   |
|1   | [{"key":"key1","value":"val1"}, {"key":"key2","value":"val2"}, {"key":"key3","value":"val3"}] |

Is it possible to split this list of objects into its own row? As such:

|ID  | key1 | key2  |  key3 |
|1   | val1 | val2  |  val3 |

I've tried exploding, and placing into a Struct:

   case class Setting(key: String, value: String)
   val newDF = df.withColumn("setting", explode($"settings"))
                .select($"id", from_json($"setting" Encoders.product[Setting].schema) as 'settings)

which gives me:

|ID    |settings                      |
|1     |[key1,val1]                   |
|1     |[key2,val2]                   |
|1     |[key3,val3]                   |

And from here I can use the specifies rows by such settings.key But its not quite what I need. I need to access multiple keys in the one row of data

like image 867
Martin Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 10:03


1 Answers

You are almost near, If you already got this

|ID    |settings                      |
|1     |[key1,val1]                   |
|1     |[key2,val2]                   |
|1     |[key3,val3]                   |

Now you can use pivot to reshape the data as


Group by ID and use pivot, Use agg to get the first value but you can use any other function here.


|ID |key1|key2|key3|
|1  |val1|val2|val3|

Hope this helps!

like image 114
koiralo Avatar answered Mar 09 '23 00:03
