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splitting a string based on multiple char delimiters

People also ask

How do you split with multiple separators?

Use the String. split() method to split a string with multiple separators, e.g. str. split(/[-_]+/) . The split method can be passed a regular expression containing multiple characters to split the string with multiple separators.

How do I split a string into multiple characters?

To split a String with multiple characters as delimiters in C#, call Split() on the string instance and pass the delimiter characters array as argument to this method. The method returns a String array with the splits. Reference to C# String. Split() method.

Can you split a string in Python with multiple delimiters?

To split a string with multiple delimiters in Python, use the re. split() method. The re. split() function splits the string by each occurrence of the pattern.

Use string.Split(char [])

string strings = "4,6,8\n9,4";
string [] split = strings .Split(new Char [] {',' , '\n' });


Try following if you get any unnecessary empty items. String.Split Method (String[], StringSplitOptions)

string [] split = strings .Split(new Char [] {',' , '\n' }, 


This works for your updated question. Add all the necessary split characters to the char [].

string [] split = strings.Split(new Char[] { ',', '\\', '\n' },

Another option is to use Regex.Split. This is useful when the split sequences are more complex. For instance if spaces can also be part of the split delimiters such as:

"4,6,8 , 9\\n\\n4"


using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
var i = "4,6,8 , 9\n\n4";
var o = Regex.Split(i, @"[,\s\n]+");
// now o is:
// new string[] { "4", "6", "8", "9" }

Note that the regular expression used is "more accepting" - it ignored the empty "space" between the \n's and it would accept "4 6 8 9 4" just the same - so the above to to show a point: there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Happy coding.

var s = "4,6,8\n9,4";
var split = s.Split(new char[]{',', '\n'});

But this has to be a dupe...

EDIT: Addressing the comment.

This code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var s = "4,6,8\n9,4";

    foreach (var a in s.Split(new char[] { ',', '\n' }))

Outputs this:


EDIT: Reading input from the console is different. \n is different when entered manually.

static void Main(string[] args)
    var s = "4,6,8\\n9,4";

    foreach (var a in s.Split(new string[] { ",", "\\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))

string tosplit = "4,6,8\n9,4";
var split = tosplit.Split(new Char [] {',', '\n' });

Just in case you are not printing / seeing it properly:
