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Split text after the second occurrence of character

I need to split text before the second occurrence of the '-' character. What I have now is producing inconsistent results. I've tried various combinations of rsplit and read through and tried other solutions on SO, with no results.

Sample file name to split: 'some-sample-filename-to-split' returned in data.filename. In this case, I would only like to have 'some-sample' returned.

fname, extname = os.path.splitext(data.filename) file_label = fname.rsplit('/',1)[-1] file_label2 = file_label.rsplit('-',maxsplit=3) print(file_label2,'\n','---------------','\n') 
like image 512
DBS Avatar asked Mar 30 '16 05:03


People also ask

How do you split a string on second occurrence of character?

a. split("-", 2) will split the string upto the second occurrence of - . a.

How do you find the nth occurrence of a character in a string in python?

You can find the nth occurrence of a substring in a string by splitting at the substring with max n+1 splits. If the resulting list has a size greater than n+1, it means that the substring occurs more than n times.

1 Answers

You can do something like this:

>>> a = "some-sample-filename-to-split" >>> "-".join(a.split("-", 2)[:2]) 'some-sample' 

a.split("-", 2) will split the string upto the second occurrence of -.

a.split("-", 2)[:2] will give the first 2 elements in the list. Then simply join the first 2 elements.


You could use regular expression : ^([\w]+-[\w]+)

>>> import re >>> reg = r'^([\w]+-[\w]+)' >>> re.match(reg, a).group() 'some-sample' 

EDIT: As discussed in the comments, here is what you need:

def hyphen_split(a):     if a.count("-") == 1:         return a.split("-")[0]     return "-".join(a.split("-", 2)[:2])  >>> hyphen_split("some-sample-filename-to-split") 'some-sample' >>> hyphen_split("some-sample") 'some' 
like image 163
JRodDynamite Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09
