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Split one big XAML in number of Sub-XAML files


In my WPF4 Desktop-based application there is a big block with sidebar menu that repeats in each window and takes about 70 lines of XAML. In order to improve code reuse, I would like to split XAML file in two files:

  1. XAML-file that contains code for sidebar menu (≈70 lines)
  2. Base XAML file that contains «include/reference» to XAML-file with sidebar menu code

As I understood, there are two ways to implement my problem:

  1. Use ResourceDictionary
  2. Use UserControl/CustomControl

My questions are:

  1. What is the difference between ResourceDictionary and UserControl? Could you give me examples where I have to use UserControl and where ResourceDictionary?

  2. Could you give a full code example how to include/import content of one XAML-file to other?

P.S. Here is an example of code that I want to export to separate XAML-file:

<Border Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Border_Settings}">     <StackPanel Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu}">         <TextBlock Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Title}"                    Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_SideBarMenu_Title}" />         <TextBlock x:Name = "SideBar_WinReports"                    Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Item}"                    Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.DashListMarker}">             <Hyperlink KeyboardNavigation.TabIndex = "12"                        Style = "{StaticResource Body_SideBarMenu_Item_Hyperlink}"                        Click = "Call_WinReports_Click">                 <TextBlock Text = "{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_ModuleName_Reports}" />             </Hyperlink>         </TextBlock>     </StackPanel> </Border> 
like image 482
Mike Avatar asked Feb 12 '11 11:02


1 Answers

ResourceDictionary is just a container for your styles/templates etc. So you really have a choice between using a style (and referencing it through a ResourceDictionary) or a UserControl.

In order to differentiate between the two, ask yourself a question: are you implementing just another look for some existing control, or you are implementing something really new, which is more than just a ListView (or a Border, or a ComboBox etc.)? In the former case, use a style; in the latter, create a new UserControl.

Specifically for your case, I would go for a UserControl.

Code example (although not full)

(Please note that a template for the following code can be inserted with VS's "add new UserControl")


<UserControl x:Class="SomeNamespace.SidebarMenu"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">      <UserControl.Resources> <!-- you can define local styles here -->         <Style x:Key="SidebarMenuTextblock" TargetType=TextBlock>             ...         </Style>     </UserControl.Resources>      <Border Background=...>         <StackPanel>              <TextBlock                 x:Name="Put_a_name_if_you_want_to_reference_this_item_in_code_behind"                 Style="{StaticResource SidebarMenuTextblock}"                 Text="{x:Static res:Resources.WinApp_SideBarMenu_Title}" />              ...          </StackPanel>     </Border>  </UserControl> 


using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls;  namespace SomeNamespace {     public partial class SidebarMenu : UserControl     {         public NumericUpDown()         {             InitializeComponent();         }         ...         // define here your properties etc,     } } 

Now, you can use the control like that:

<Window     x:Class="SomeOtherNamespace.MainWindow"     xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"     xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"     xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:SomeNamespace">      <Grid>         <controls:SidebarMenu PropertyIfYouDefinedOne="SomeValue"/>         ...     </Grid>  </Window> 
like image 127
Vlad Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10
