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Split array into sub-arrays based on value


I was looking for an Array equivalent String#split in Ruby Core, and was surprised to find that it did not exist. Is there a more elegant way than the following to split an array into sub-arrays based on a value?

class Array   def split( split_on=nil )     inject([[]]) do |a,v|       a.tap{         if block_given? ? yield(v) : v==split_on           a << []         else           a.last << v         end       }     end.tap{ |a| a.pop if a.last.empty? }   end end  p (1..9 ).to_a.split{ |i| i%3==0 },   (1..10).to_a.split{ |i| i%3==0 } #=> [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8]] #=> [[1, 2], [4, 5], [7, 8], [10]] 

Edit: For those interested, the "real-world" problem which sparked this request can be seen in this answer, where I've used @fd's answer below for the implementation.

like image 564
Phrogz Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 00:01


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1 Answers

Sometimes partition is a good way to do things like that:

(1..6).partition { |v| v.even? }  #=> [[2, 4, 6], [1, 3, 5]] 
like image 136
scaryguy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
