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Split and replace Java string




I am trying to read a text file, split the contents as explained below, and append the split comments in to a Java List.

The error is in the splitting part.

Existing String:

a1(X1, UniqueVar1), a2(X2, UniqueVar1), a3(UniqueVar1, UniqueVar2)

Expected—to split them and append them to Java list:

a1(X1, UniqueVar1)
a2(X2, UniqueVar1)
a3(UniqueVar1, UniqueVar2)


subSplit = obj.split("\\), ");
for (String subObj: subSplit)


a1(X1, UniqueVar1
a2(X2, UniqueVar1

Please suggest how to correct this.

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vikky 2405 Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 06:01

vikky 2405

1 Answers

Use a positive lookbehind in your regular expression:

String[] subSplit = obj.split("(?<=\\)), ");

This expression matches a , preceded by a ), but because the lookbehind part (?<=\\)) is non-capturing (zero-width), it doesn't get discarded as being part of the split separator.

More information about lookaround assertions and non-capturing groups can be found in the javadoc of the Pattern class.

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Robby Cornelissen Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 06:01

Robby Cornelissen