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Speeding up select where column condition exists in another table without duplicates

If I have the following two tables:

  1. Table "a" with 2 columns: id (int) [Primary Index], column1 [Indexed]
  2. Table "b" with 3 columns: id_table_a (int),condition1 (int),condition2 (int) [all columns as Primary Index]

I can run the following query to select rows from Table a where Table b condition1 is 1

SELECT a.id FROM a WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM b WHERE b.id_table_a=a.id && condition1=1 LIMIT 1) ORDER BY a.column1 LIMIT 50

With a couple hundred million rows in both tables this query is very slow. If I do:

SELECT a.id FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.id=b.id_table_a && b.condition1=1  ORDER BY a.column1 LIMIT 50

It is pretty much instant but if there are multiple matching rows in table b that match id_table_a then duplicates are returned. If I do a SELECT DISTINCT or GROUP BY a.id to remove duplicates the query becomes extremely slow.

Here is an SQLFiddle showing the example queries: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/35eb9e/10

Is there a way to make a join without duplicates fast in this case?

*Edited to show that INNER instead of LEFT join didn't make much of a difference

*Edited to show moving condition to join did not make much of a difference

*Edited to add LIMIT

*Edited to add ORDER BY

like image 543
JJJ Avatar asked Jul 31 '16 07:07


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2 Answers

You can try with inner join and distinct

SELECT distinct a.id 
FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.id=b.id_table_a AND b.condition1=1

but using distinct on select * be sure you don't distinct id that return wrong result in this case use

SELECT distinct col1, col2, col3 .... 
FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.id=b.id_table_a AND b.condition1=1

You could also add a composite index with use also condtition1 eg: key(id, condition1)

if you can you could also perform a

 ANALYZE TABLE table_name; 

on both the table ..

and another technique is try to reverting the lead table

SELECT distinct a.id 
FROM b INNER JOIN a ON a.id=b.id_table_a AND b.condition1=1

Using the most selective table for lead the query

Using this seem different the use of index http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/35eb9e/15 (the last add a using where)

 FROM a 
 INNER JOIN b ON a.id=b.id_table_a AND b.condition1=1
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ScaisEdge Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10


It looks like I found the answer.

    b.id_table_a=a.id && 
    b.condition1=1 && 
    b.condition2=(select b.condition2 from b WHERE b.id_table_a=a.id && b.condition1=1 LIMIT 1)
ORDER BY a.column1

I don't know if there is a flaw in this or not, please let me know if so. If anyone has a way to compress this somehow I will gladly accept your answer.

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JJJ Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10