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Speed up Python/Cython loops.

I've trying to get a loop in python to run as fast as possible. So I've dived into NumPy and Cython. Here's the original Python code:

def calculate_bsf_u_loop(uvel,dy,dz):
   Calculate barotropic stream function from zonal velocity

   uvel (t,z,y,x)
   dy   (y,x)
   dz   (t,z,y,x)

   bsf  (t,y,x)

   nt = uvel.shape[0]
   nz = uvel.shape[1]
   ny = uvel.shape[2]
   nx = uvel.shape[3]

   bsf = np.zeros((nt,ny,nx))

   for jn in range(0,nt):
      for jk in range(0,nz):
         for jj in range(0,ny):
            for ji in range(0,nx):
               bsf[jn,jj,ji] = bsf[jn,jj,ji] + uvel[jn,jk,jj,ji] * dz[jn,jk,jj,ji] * dy[jj,ji] 

   return bsf

It's just a sum over k indices. Array sizes are nt=12, nz=75, ny=559, nx=1442, so ~725 million elements. That took 68 seconds. Now, I've done it in cython as

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

@cython.boundscheck(False) # turn off bounds-checking for entire function
@cython.wraparound(False)  # turn off negative index wrapping for entire function

## Use cpdef instead of def
## Define types for arrays
cpdef calculate_bsf_u_loop(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=4] uvel, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] dy, np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=4] dz):
   Calculate barotropic stream function from zonal velocity

   uvel (t,z,y,x)
   dy   (y,x)
   dz   (t,z,y,x)

   bsf  (t,y,x)

   ## cdef the constants
   cdef int nt = uvel.shape[0]
   cdef int nz = uvel.shape[1]
   cdef int ny = uvel.shape[2]
   cdef int nx = uvel.shape[3]

   ## cdef loop indices
   cdef ji,jj,jk,jn

   ## cdef. Note that the cdef is followed by cython type
   ## but the np.zeros function as python (numpy) type
   cdef np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=3] bsf = np.zeros([nt,ny,nx], dtype=np.float64)

   for jn in xrange(0,nt):
      for jk in xrange(0,nz):
         for jj in xrange(0,ny):
            for ji in xrange(0,nx):
               bsf[jn,jj,ji] += uvel[jn,jk,jj,ji] * dz[jn,jk,jj,ji] * dy[jj,ji] 

   return bsf

and that took 49 seconds. However, swapping the loop for

for jn in range(0,nt):
      for jk in range(0,nz):
         bsf[jn,:,:] = bsf[jn,:,:] + uvel[jn,jk,:,:] * dz[jn,jk,:,:] * dy[:,:]

only takes 0.29 seconds! Unfortunately, I can't do this in my full code.

Why is NumPy slicing so much faster than the Cython loop? I thought NumPy was fast because it is Cython under the hood. So shouldn't they be of similar speed?

As you can see, I've disabled boundary checks in cython, and I've also compiled using "fast math". However, this only gives a tiny speedup. Is there anyway to get a loop to be of similar speed as NumPy slicing, or is looping always slower than slicing?

Any help is greatly appreciated! /Joakim

like image 419
Joakim Avatar asked Nov 17 '15 12:11


People also ask

How do I speed up Cython in Python?

You can still write regular code in Python, but to speed things up at run time Cython allows you to replace some pieces of the Python code with C. So, you end up mixing both languages together in a single file.

How much faster is Cython than Python?

Note that regular Python takes more than 500 seconds for executing the above code while Cython just takes around 1 second. Thus, Cython is 500x times faster than Python for summing 1 billion numbers.

Why Cython is faster than Python?

Cython allows native C functions, which have less overhead than Python functions when they are called, and therefore execute faster.

Is Numba faster than Cython?

Following benchmark result shows Cython and Numba library can significantly speed up Python code. Computation time for Python and Cython increase much faster compared to Numba.

1 Answers

That code is screaming for numpy.einsum's's intervention, given that you are doing elementwise-multiplication and then sum-reduction on the second axis of the 4D product array, which essenti ally numpy.einsum does in a highly efficient manner. To solve your case, you can use numpy.einsum in two ways -

bsf = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl,kl->ikl',uvel,dz,dy)

bsf = np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl->ikl',uvel,dz)*dy

Runtime tests & Verify outputs -

In [100]: # Take a (1/5)th of original input shapes
     ...: original_shape = [12,75, 559,1442]
     ...: m,n,p,q = (np.array(original_shape)/5).astype(int)
     ...: # Generate random arrays with given shapes
     ...: uvel = np.random.rand(m,n,p,q)
     ...: dy = np.random.rand(p,q)
     ...: dz = np.random.rand(m,n,p,q)

In [101]: bsf = calculate_bsf_u_loop(uvel,dy,dz)

In [102]: print(np.allclose(bsf,np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl,kl->ikl',uvel,dz,dy)))

In [103]: print(np.allclose(bsf,np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl->ikl',uvel,dz)*dy))

In [104]: %timeit calculate_bsf_u_loop(uvel,dy,dz)
1 loops, best of 3: 2.16 s per loop

In [105]: %timeit np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl,kl->ikl',uvel,dz,dy)
100 loops, best of 3: 3.94 ms per loop

In [106]: %timeit np.einsum('ijkl,ijkl->ikl',uvel,dz)*dy
100 loops, best of 3: 3.96 ms per loo
like image 79
Divakar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09
