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Specifying which category to treat as the base with 'statsmodels'

In understand that when I have a category variable in a model passed to a statsmodels fit that dummy variables will automatically be generated for the categories. For example if I have a variable 'Location' with values 'IndianOcean', 'Thailand', 'China' and 'Mars' I will get variables in my model of the form


with one of the value not represented. By default the excluded variable seems to be the least common one. Is there a way to specify — ideally within the model specification — which value is treated as the "base value" and excluded?

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orome Avatar asked Mar 16 '14 00:03


2 Answers

You can pass a reference arg to the Treatment contrast, using syntax like

"y ~ C(Location, Treatment(reference='China'))"


If you have a better suggestion for naming conventions please file an issue with patsy.

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jseabold Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


Ok, maybe someone will find this one helpfull. I needed to set a new baseline category for the dependent variable, I had no idea how to do it. I searched and found nothing, so i simply added a "_" for the other categories. If you have 3 categories A, B, C, and you want your baseline to be C you just change the labeles from A and B to _A and _B. It works. I appears that the baseline category is defined by sorted()

Maybe someone knows a proper way to do it, this is not very phytonic, ja.

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Marcelo Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
