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Specifying multiple types for additionalProperties through Swagger/OpenAPI

I am looking to represent the following JSON Object in OpenAPI:

  "name": "Bob",
  "age": 4,

The number of properties and the property names are not fully predetermined, so I look to use additionalProperties. However, I'm not too certain how it would be represented through OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0. I tried this:

  type: object
      - int
      - string

or the JSON equivalent:

  "Person": {
    "type": "object",
    "additionalProperties": {
      "type": ["int", "string"]

but that didn't quite work. Is there any way to keep the structure of the JSON Object I want to represent, for specifically strings and integers, and not arbitrary object types?

like image 811
sle Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 15:09


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Multiple hosts are supported in OpenAPI 3.0. 2.0 supports only one host per API specification (or two if you count HTTP and HTTPS as different hosts). A possible way to target multiple hosts is to omit the host and schemes from your specification and serve it from each host.

1 Answers

OpenAPI 3.1

In OpenAPI 3.1, the type keyword can take a list of types:

  type: object
    type: [string, integer]

OpenAPI 3.x

OpenAPI 3.0+ supports oneOf so you can use:

  type: object
      - type: string
      - type: integer

OpenAPI 2.0

OpenAPI 2.0 does not support multi-type values. The most you can do is use the typeless schema, which means the additional properties can be anything - strings, numbers, booleans, and so on - but you can't specify the exact types.

  type: object
  additionalProperties: {}

This is equivalent to:

  type: object
like image 158
Helen Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 00:11
