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Specify the max number of columns for a WrapPanel in WPF


I have a WrapPanel, And I want to specify the Max number of its columns. So, for example, when my Collection "ObjectCollection" (binded to this WrapPanel) contains only 4 elements, the WrapPanel will have only one row. But, when "ObjectCollection" will have 5 elements, the wrapPanel will create another row to put the fifth one. (My Max_Columns_Number in this case is 4).

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NTinkicht Avatar asked Sep 05 '13 11:09


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1 Answers

I'm pretty sure you can't do it with a WrapPanel, but you can use the UniformGrid instead.

That one has properties to specify the number of rows and columns you want.

If you set the Columns property to 4, it will keep 4 items in each row, and then wrap to the next one.

<UniformGrid Columns="4">
    <!-- In first row -->
    <Button Content="test"></Button>
    <Button Content="test"></Button>
    <Button Content="test"></Button>
    <Button Content="test"></Button>

    <!-- In second row -->
    <Button Content="test"></Button>
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Peter Hansen Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 16:10

Peter Hansen