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Specific advantages of NServiceBus over plain RabbitMQ

Are there any advantages of using NServiceBus over simply using the .net driver for RabbitMQ (assuming we can replace MSMQ with AMQP). Does NSB provide any additional functionality or abstractions that are not available directly in AMQP.

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xrcsblue Avatar asked Mar 04 '12 19:03


People also ask

What is the difference between Nservicebus and RabbitMQ?

Whats the difference between the two: While NService Bus is a service bus platform which means its an orchestrator but underlying transport is using decentralised like MSMQ, Rabbit MQ on the other hand is a Broker base platform.

What is delivery mode in RabbitMQ?

When a consumer (subscription) is registered, messages will be delivered (pushed) by RabbitMQ using the basic. deliver method. The method carries a delivery tag, which uniquely identifies the delivery on a channel. Delivery tags are therefore scoped per channel.

2 Answers

Main advantages include (but are not limited to):

  • Takes care of serialization/deserialization of messages.
  • Provides a neat model for dispatching messages w. handlers, polymorphic dispatch, arranging handlers in a pipeline etc.
  • Handles unit of work.
  • Provides a neat saga implementation.
  • Gives you a host process that can be F5-debugged as well as installed as a Windows service.

These are things, that you'd need to roll yourself, if you were to use the RabbitMQ .NET client directly - unless, of course, you don't need any of these things.

Oh, and if you use MSMQ instead of RabbitMQ, you can get all these things in a broker-less model :)

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mookid8000 Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10


NSB most often uses MSMQ as the underlying transport. It could use RabbitMQ or some other AMQP compliant transport. NSB provides support for all the basic messaging patterns including point to point communication, pub/sub etc. The decision to use a particular transport would be different than that of choosing NSB itself. It has many features and you can get and idea from the Documentation page.

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Adam Fyles Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 22:10

Adam Fyles