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Special characters and superscripts on plot axis titles

I am trying to make a y-axis title with both a special character and a superscript. I am able to do this, but I want the closing parentheses not to be superscripted. And that's what I'm having a problem with. I think its just a placing of my parenthesis, but I've tried (seemingly) everything.

plot(WatexCl, ConcuM, col = as.numeric(1), pch = as.numeric(Depth),     xlab = expression(paste("Concentration Cl  ( ", mu, "moles/g dry wt)")),     ylab = expression(paste("Average Conc of S- on plates ( ", mu, "Moles/cm"^"2"),)),     data = plates) 
like image 283
Valerie S Avatar asked Apr 01 '13 01:04

Valerie S

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Display a superscript in the title using the ^ character. The ^ character modifies the character immediately following it. Include multiple characters in the superscript by enclosing them in curly braces {}. Include the Greek letters and in the text using the TeX markups \alpha and \mu, respectively. Add text at the data point where t = 300.

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1 Answers

The one thing that often users fail to grasp is that you invariably don't need to quote strings and paste them together when used in an expression for a plot label. It is usually simpler to use the layout tools directly (e.g. ~ and *). For example:

df <- data.frame(y = rnorm(100), x = rnorm(100))  plot(y ~ x, data = df,      ylab = expression(Average ~ Conc ~ of ~ S- ~ on ~ plates ~                         (mu ~ Moles ~ cm^{-2} ~ dry ~ wt)),      xlab = expression(Concentration ~ Cl ~ (mu ~ moles ~ g^{-1} ~ dry ~ wt))) 

Alternatively, you can include strings for longer sections of text; in this case it is arguably easier to do:

plot(y ~ x, data = df,      ylab = expression("Average Conc of S- on plates" ~                          (mu ~ moles ~ cm^{-2} ~ "dry wt")),      xlab = expression("Concentration Cl" ~ (mu ~ moles ~ g^{-1} ~ "dry wt"))) 

but note there is no need to paste strings and other features here.

Both produce:

enter image description here

Note the issue plotmath has with the superscript 2. You may wish to add some extra space for the y-axis margin to accommodate that:

op <- par(mar = c(5,4.5,4,2) + 0.1) plot(y ~ x, data = df,      ylab = expression("Average Conc of S- on plates" ~                           (mu ~ moles ~ cm^{-2} ~ "dry wt")),      xlab = expression("Concentration Cl" ~ (mu ~ moles ~ g^{-1} ~ "dry wt"))) par(op) 


enter image description here

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Gavin Simpson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Gavin Simpson