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SparkR bottleneck in createDataFrame?

I'm new to Spark, SparkR and generally all HDFS-related technologies. I've installed recently Spark 1.5.0 and run some simple code with SparkR:


sc <- sparkR.init(master="local")
sqlContext <- sparkRSQL.init(sc)
hiveContext <- sparkRHive.init(sc)

n = 1000
x = data.table(id = 1:n, val = rnorm(n))

xs <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, x)

The code executes immediately. However when I change it to n = 1000000 it takes about 4 minutes (time between two Sys.time() calls). When I check these jobs in console on port :4040, job for n = 1000 has duration 0.2s, and job for n = 1000000 0.3s. Am I doing something wrong?

like image 946
Krzysztof Jędrzejewski Avatar asked Oct 01 '15 12:10

Krzysztof Jędrzejewski

People also ask

How do I convert R code to SparkR?

You can connect your R program to a Spark cluster from RStudio, R shell, Rscript or other R IDEs. To start, make sure SPARK_HOME is set in environment (you can check Sys. getenv), load the SparkR package, and call sparkR.

What shells are available for running SparkR?

Spark has 3 interactive shells: Scala, Python, and R. The Scala shell (bin/spark-shell) and Python shells (bin/pyspark) are installed by default.

How does R and Spark work together?

Sparklyr is an R package that lets you analyze data in Spark while using familiar tools in R. Sparklyr supports a complete backend for dplyr, a popular tool for working with data frame objects both in memory and out of memory. You can use dplyr to translate R code into Spark SQL.

1 Answers

You're not doing anything particularly wrong. It is just an effect of a combination of different factors:

  1. createDataFrame as it is currently (Spark 1.5.1) implemented is slow. It is a known issue described in SPARK-8277.
  2. Current implementation doesn't play well with data.table.
  3. Base R is relatively slow. Smart people say it is a feature not a bug but it is still something to consider.

Until SPARK-8277 is resolved there is not much you can do but there two options you can try:

  • use plain old data.frame instead of data.table. Using flights dataset (227496 rows, 14 columns):

    df <- read.csv("flights.csv")
    microbenchmark::microbenchmark(createDataFrame(sqlContext, df), times=3)
    ## Unit: seconds
    ##                             expr      min       lq     mean   median
    ##  createDataFrame(sqlContext, df) 96.41565 97.19515 99.08441 97.97465
    ##        uq      max neval
    ##  100.4188 102.8629     3

    compared to data.table

    dt <- data.table::fread("flights.csv")
    microbenchmark::microbenchmark(createDataFrame(sqlContext, dt), times=3)
    ## Unit: seconds        
    ##                             expr      min       lq     mean  median
    ##  createDataFrame(sqlContext, dt) 378.8534 379.4482 381.2061 380.043
    ##        uq     max neval
    ##  382.3825 384.722     3
  • Write to disk and use spark-csv to load data directly to Spark DataFrame without direct interaction with R. As crazy as it sounds:

    dt <- data.table::fread("flights.csv")
    write_and_read <- function() {
        write.csv(dt, tempfile(), row.names=FALSE)
        read.df(sqlContext, "flights.csv",
            source = "com.databricks.spark.csv",
            header = "true",
            inferSchema = "true"
    ## Unit: seconds
    ##              expr      min       lq     mean   median
    ##  write_and_read() 2.924142 2.959085 2.983008 2.994027
    ##       uq      max neval
    ##  3.01244 3.030854     3

I am not really sure if really it makes sense to push data that can be handled in R to Spark in the first place but lets not dwell on that.


This issue should be resolved by SPARK-11086 in Spark 1.6.0.

like image 78
zero323 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
