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Spark Sql registerTempTable and registerDataFrameAsTable difference

what is difference between registerTempTable and registerDataFrameAsTable method in Spark SQL and which is better in which scenario.

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mandar Avatar asked Jul 24 '15 04:07


1 Answers

Spark >= 2.1

There is a new createGlobalTempView which can used to register cross-session views:

Its lifetime is the lifetime of the Spark application, i.e. it will be automatically dropped when the application terminates. It's tied to a system preserved database _global_temp, and we must use the qualified name to refer a global temp view, e.g. SELECT * FROM _global_temp.view1.

Spark >= 2.0

registerTempTable has been deprecated in favor of createTempView and createOrReplaceTempView with the former one throwing and exception if the view already exists.

Spark < 2.0


While there is no practical difference between these two there is a difference in execution strategy:

  • SQLContext.registerDataFrameAsTable calls registerDataFrameAsTable method on JVM SQL context
  • DataFrame.registerTempTable calls registerTempTable on JVM data frame, which calls registerDataFrameAsTable method on JVM SQL context


  • DataFrame.registerTempTable calls registerDataFrameAsTable method on SQL context
  • SQLContext.registerDataFrameAsTable is a private method not accessible outside org.apache.spark.sql package.

To keep things simple it is probably a good idea to stick to registerTempTable as well.

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zero323 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 23:10
