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Spark scala remove columns containing only null values

Is there a way to remove the columns of a spark dataFrame that contain only null values ? (I am using scala and Spark 1.6.2)

At the moment I am doing this:

var validCols: List[String] = List()
for (col <- df_filtered.columns){
  val count = df_filtered
  println(col, count)
  if (count >= 2){
    validCols ++= List(col)

to build the list of column containing at least two distinct values, and then use it in a select().

Thank you !

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maxk Avatar asked Sep 11 '16 13:09


2 Answers

I had the same problem and i came up with a similar solution in Java. In my opinion there is no other way of doing it at the moment.

for (String column:df.columns()){
    long count = df.select(column).distinct().count();

    if(count == 1 && df.select(column).first().isNullAt(0)){
        df = df.drop(column);

I'm dropping all columns containing exactly one distinct value and which first value is null. This way I can be sure that i don't drop columns where all values are the same but not null.

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Timo Strotmann Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10

Timo Strotmann

Here's a scala example to remove null columns that only queries that data once (faster):

def removeNullColumns(df:DataFrame): DataFrame = {
    var dfNoNulls = df
    val exprs = df.columns.map((_ -> "count")).toMap
    val cnts = df.agg(exprs).first
    for(c <- df.columns) {
        val uses = cnts.getAs[Long]("count("+c+")")
        if ( uses == 0 ) {
            dfNoNulls = dfNoNulls.drop(c)
    return dfNoNulls
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swdev Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
