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SPARK DataFrame: Remove MAX value in a group

My data is like:

id | val
a1 |  10
a1 |  20
a2 |  5
a2 |  7
a2 |  2

I am trying to delete row that has MAX(val) in the group if I group on "id".

Result should be like:

id | val
a1 |  10
a2 |  5
a2 |  2

I am using SPARK DataFrame and SQLContext. I need some way like:

DataFrame df = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM jsontable WHERE (id, val) NOT IN (SELECT is,MAX(val) from jsontable GROUP BY id)");

How can I do that?

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user3802925 Avatar asked May 11 '16 00:05


2 Answers

You can do that using dataframe operations and Window functions. Assuming you have your data in the dataframe df1:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window

val maxOnWindow = max(col("val")).over(Window.partitionBy(col("id")))
val df2 = df1
  .withColumn("max", maxOnWindow)
  .where(col("val") < col("max"))
  .select("id", "val")

In Java, the equivalent would be something like:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.Window;
import static org.apache.spark.sql.functions.*;

Column maxOnWindow = max(col("val")).over(Window.partitionBy("id"));
DataFrame df2 = df1
    .withColumn("max", maxOnWindow)
    .select("id", "val");

Here's a nice article about window functions: https://databricks.com/blog/2015/07/15/introducing-window-functions-in-spark-sql.html

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Daniel de Paula Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 16:11

Daniel de Paula

Below is the Java implementation of Mario's scala code:

DataFrame df = sqlContext.read().json(input);
DataFrame dfMaxRaw = df.groupBy("id").max("val");
DataFrame dfMax = dfMaxRaw.select(
    dfMaxRaw.col("id").as("max_id"), dfMaxRaw.col("max(val)").as("max_val")
DataFrame combineMaxWithData = df.join(dfMax, df.col("id")
DataFrame finalResult = combineMaxWithData.filter(
like image 1
user3802925 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 15:11
