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SoundCloud Application Registration form is closed [closed]



I am trying to register a new app with SoundCloud. I therefore go to https://soundcloud.com/you/apps and click on "Sign up for a new app". This opens a google form that says:

Due to the high amount of requests recently received, we will no longer be processing API application requests at this time. We are working to re-evaluate our process to make it more efficient.

The message is a little puzzling. I am not trying to use an API to register my app. I am trying to register it manually.

Anybody knows how to sign-up for a new app manually?

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mabead Avatar asked Feb 18 '19 18:02


People also ask

How do I register my SoundCloud app?

Registering Your App To access the SoundCloud® API, you will first need to register your app at https://soundcloud.com/you/apps using your SoundCloud® account. When you've done that, we'll issue you with a client ID and client secret. Your client ID is required for all calls to the SoundCloud® API.

2 Answers

You don't have to register an APP, even if you wanted to it would be quite hard to. The registration is closed for over a year now. I had this problem too and managed to circumvent this by just grabbing my browsers client_id and working with that. Con: You can't access oauth features and personalized stuff, but you can query everything public on soundcloud and even download songs.

Just go on SoundCloud and open a track page, hit F12 and go to the Networking tab, then start the song and look out for requests containing a client_id.

It's is not really what you asked for but the only current way to work with their API.

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Sven Greinert Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Sven Greinert

As said by sven-greinert in a comment, it is not possible anymore.

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mabead Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 17:09
