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Soundcloud API is returning 403 on some tracks


Soundclouds API is returning 403 on some tracks for me. I have tried playing with the raw http endpoints and also the soundcloud api wrapper for python, both have the issue.


The above one returns a 403 error while below one works, using same CLIENT_ID obviously


Using the library wrapper I get. requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden

    import soundcloud
    client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=CLIENT_ID)
    track = client.get('/resolve', url='https://soundcloud.com/mtarecords/my-nu-leng-flava-d-soul-shake') 

https://soundcloud.com/calyxteebee/nothing-left Another track that also doesn't resolve. Not all tracks have this issue, most work how they always have.

If you go to the Share -> Embed on Soundcloud the track_id will be in there, so I know I am using the correct track_id.

Viewing the http endpoints in browser I get the error.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized) - https://api.soundcloud.com/favicon.ico

Anyone else run into this issue before?