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Sorting large lists in Prolog: Not enough memory


I'm trying to sort a 10k element list in prolog with bubblesort and I get the out of local stack error. Mergesort seems to be the best option since I don't get any errors for the same input. However I'd really like to get some running times for bubblesort with large input data but I can't. Any ideas?

Here's the code:


 %% generate_list(Limit, N, L): - insert upper limit and length of list N
 %% to get a random list with N numbers from 0 to limit
 generate_list(_, 0, []).
 generate_list(Limit, N, [Y|L]):-
    N =\= 0,
    random(0, Limit, Y),
    N1 is N-1,
    generate_list(Limit, N1, L).

 %% bubble(L, Ls, max):- insert list L and get max member of list by
 %% swapping members from the start of L.
 bubble([Z], [], Z).
 bubble([X,Y|L], [X|Ls], Z):- X =< Y, bubble([Y|L], Ls, Z).
 bubble([X,Y|L], [Y|Ls], Z):- X  > Y, bubble([X|L], Ls, Z).

 %% bubble_sort(List, Accumulator, Sorted_List)
 bubblesort([X], Ls, [X|Ls]).
 bubblesort(L, Accumulate, Result):- bubble(L, Ls, Max),
       bubblesort(Ls, [Max|Accumulate], Result).

 bubble_sort(L, Sorted):- bubblesort(L, [], Sorted).

As you can I see I'm using tail recursion. I've also tried enlarging the stacks by using:

  set_prolog_stack(global, limit(100 000 000 000)).
  set_prolog_stack(trail,  limit(20 000 000 000)).
  set_prolog_stack(local,  limit(2 000 000 000)).

but it just runs for a bit longer. Eventually I get out of local stack again. Should I use another language like C and malloc the list or not use recursion?