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Sorting in pandas for large datasets


I would like to sort my data by a given column, specifically p-values. However, the issue is that I am not able to load my entire data into memory. Thus, the following doesn't work or rather works for only small datasets.

data = data.sort(columns=["P_VALUE"], ascending=True, axis=0)

Is there a quick way to sort my data by a given column that only takes chunks into account and doesn't require loading entire datasets in memory?

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user1867185 Avatar asked Jan 22 '14 00:01


People also ask

How do you sort a large dataset in Python?

If it's transaction data, you could use AWK or pandas to parse out each 1 million row chunk into a relative year_quarter directory/file, and then you can sort on these aggregated files. If you need the data in one file, then at the end you can just stack them back together in order.

Is pandas efficient for large data sets?

The default pandas data types are not the most memory efficient. This is especially true for text data columns with relatively few unique values (commonly referred to as “low-cardinality” data). By using more efficient data types, you can store larger datasets in memory.

How do you sort pandas from largest to smallest?

In order to sort the data frame in pandas, function sort_values() is used. Pandas sort_values() can sort the data frame in Ascending or Descending order.

2 Answers

In the past, I've used Linux's pair of venerable sort and split utilities, to sort massive files that choked pandas.

I don't want to disparage the other answer on this page. However, since your data is text format (as you indicated in the comments), I think it's a tremendous complication to start transferring it into other formats (HDF, SQL, etc.), for something that GNU/Linux utilities have been solving very efficiently for the last 30-40 years.

Say your file is called stuff.csv, and looks like this:


Then the following command will sort it by the 3rd column:

sort --parallel=8 -t . -nrk3 stuff.csv

Note that the number of threads here is set to 8.

The above will work with files that fit into the main memory. When your file is too large, you would first split it into a number of parts. So

split -l 100000 stuff.csv stuff

would split the file into files of length at most 100000 lines.

Now you would sort each file individually, as above. Finally, you would use mergesort, again through (waith for it...) sort:

sort -m sorted_stuff_* > final_sorted_stuff.csv

Finally, if your file is not in CSV (say it is a tgz file), then you should find a way to pipe a CSV version of it into split.

like image 94
Ami Tavory Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10

Ami Tavory

As I referred in the comments, this answer already provides a possible solution. It is based on the HDF format.

About the sorting problem, there are at least three possible ways to solve it with that approach.

First, you can try to use pandas directly, querying the HDF-stored-DataFrame.

Second, you can use PyTables, which pandas uses under the hood.

Francesc Alted gives a hint in the PyTables mailing list:

The simplest way is by setting the sortby parameter to true in the Table.copy() method. This triggers an on-disk sorting operation, so you don't have to be afraid of your available memory. You will need the Pro version for getting this capability.

In the docs, it says:

sortby : If specified, and sortby corresponds to a column with an index, then the copy will be sorted by this index. If you want to ensure a fully sorted order, the index must be a CSI one. A reverse sorted copy can be achieved by specifying a negative value for the step keyword. If sortby is omitted or None, the original table order is used

Third, still with PyTables, you can use the method Table.itersorted().

From the docs:

Table.itersorted(sortby, checkCSI=False, start=None, stop=None, step=None)

Iterate table data following the order of the index of sortby column. The sortby column must have associated a full index.

Another approach consists in using a database in between. The detailed workflow can be seen in this IPython Notebook published at plot.ly.

This allows to solve the sorting problem, along with other data analyses that are possible with pandas. It looks like it was created by the user chris, so all the credit goes to him. I am copying here the relevant parts.


This notebook explores a 3.9Gb CSV file.

This notebook is a primer on out-of-memory data analysis with

  • pandas: A library with easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools. Also, interfaces to out-of-memory databases like SQLite.
  • IPython notebook: An interface for writing and sharing python code, text, and plots.
  • SQLite: An self-contained, server-less database that's easy to set-up and query from Pandas.
  • Plotly: A platform for publishing beautiful, interactive graphs from Python to the web.


import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine # database connection 

Import the CSV data into SQLite

  1. Load the CSV, chunk-by-chunk, into a DataFrame
  2. Process the data a bit, strip out uninteresting columns
  3. Append it to the SQLite database
disk_engine = create_engine('sqlite:///311_8M.db') # Initializes database with filename 311_8M.db in current directory

chunksize = 20000
index_start = 1

for df in pd.read_csv('311_100M.csv', chunksize=chunksize, iterator=True, encoding='utf-8'):

    # do stuff   

    df.index += index_start

    df.to_sql('data', disk_engine, if_exists='append')
    index_start = df.index[-1] + 1

Query value counts and order the results

Housing and Development Dept receives the most complaints

df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT Agency, COUNT(*) as `num_complaints`'
                       'FROM data '
                       'GROUP BY Agency '
                       'ORDER BY -num_complaints', disk_engine)

Limiting the number of sorted entries

What's the most 10 common complaint in each city?

df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT City, COUNT(*) as `num_complaints` '
                            'FROM data '
                            'GROUP BY `City` '
                   'ORDER BY -num_complaints '
                   'LIMIT 10 ', disk_engine)

Possibly related and useful links

  • Pandas: in memory sorting hdf5 files
  • ptrepack sortby needs 'full' index
  • http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/cookbook.html#hdfstore
  • http://www.pytables.org/usersguide/optimization.html
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iled Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10
