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Sorting by distance in MySQL with spatial analysis functions and data types

I'm building a php web app with Laravel 5.5 and I need to display a list of places (eg. stores) sorted by their distance from a user-specified location. The places will be stored in a MySQL database and should be retrieved as Eloquent ORM model instances.

Doing some research I found many posts and questions on this topic (presenting different solutions), but, having very little experience with databases and geolocation/geospatial analysis, they mostly confused me, and I'd like to know what approach to follow and what are the best practices in this case.

Most answers I read suggest using the haversine formula or the spherical law of cosines in the SQL query, which would look something like (example taken from this answer):

$sf = 3.14159 / 180; // scaling factor
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table 
    WHERE lon BETWEEN '$minLon' AND '$maxLon' 
      AND lat BETWEEN '$minLat' AND '$maxLat'
    ORDER BY ACOS(SIN(lat*$sf)*SIN($lat*$sf) + COS(lat*$sf)*COS($lat*$sf)*COS((lon-$lon)*$sf))";

This post points out the fact that, over short distances, assuming the Earth flat and computing a simple euclidean distance is a good approximation and is faster than using the haversine formula.
Since I only need to sort places within a single city at a time, this seems to be a good solution.

However, most of these posts and SO answers are a few years old and I was wondering if there is now (MySQL 5.7) a better solution.

For example, none of those post use any of MySQL “Spatial Analysis Functions”, like ST_Distance_Sphere and ST_Distance which seem to be exactly for that purpose.
Is there any reason (eg. performance, precision) not to use these functions instead of writing the formula in the query? (I don't know which algorithm is internally used for these functions)

I also don't know how I should store the coordinates of each place. Most of the examples I've seen assume the coordinates to be stored in separate lat, lon columns as doubles or as FLOAT(10,6) (as in this example by google), but also MySQL POINT data type seems appropriate for storing geographic coordinates.
What are the pros and cons of these two approaches?

How can indexes be used to speed up these kind of queries? For example I've read about “spatial indexes”, but I think they can only be used for limiting the results with something like MBRContains(), not to actually order the results by distance.

So, how should I store the coordinates of places and how should I query them to be ordered by distance?

like image 664
Lorenzo Rossi Avatar asked Jan 28 '18 19:01

Lorenzo Rossi

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Calculating Distance in MySQL To get the distance between two points, you call the function with the two points as the arguments: -- Returns distance in meters.

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1 Answers

Other than the ST_Distance_Sphere, 5.7 does not bring anything extra to the table. (SPATIAL was already implemented.)

For 'thousands' of points, the code you have is probably the best. Include

INDEX(lat, lng),
INDEX(lng, lat)

And I would not worry about the curvature of the earth unless you are stretching thousands of miles (kms). Even then the code and that function should be good enough.

Do not use FLOAT(m,n), use only FLOAT. The link below gives the precision available to FLOAT and other representations.

If you have so many points that you can't cache the table and its indexes entirely (many millions of points), you could use this , which uses a couple of tricks to avoid lengthy scans like the above solution. Because of PARTITION limitations, lat/lng are represented as scaled integers. (But that is easy enough to convert in the input/output.) The earth's curvature, poles, and dateline are all handled.

like image 103
Rick James Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 00:11

Rick James