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Sorting an array based on an attribute that may be nil in some elements


I have an array of objects

[<#a star=1  val=1>, <#a star=nil val=3> , <#a star=2  val=2>] 

i need the array to be sorted by time, then by val

[ <#a star=2  val=2>, <#a star=1  val=1>, <#a star=nil val=3> ] 

but using the sort_by throws an error because the time is nil.

I am using an ugly way to sort right now, but i am sure there is a nice way to go about it

starred=[] @answers.each {|a| (starred << a) if a.starred } @answers=@answers-starred starred=starred.sort_by {|a| a.starred }.reverse @answers=starred+@answers 
like image 364
meow Avatar asked Dec 18 '10 00:12


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1 Answers

starred.sort_by { |a| [a ? 1 : 0, a] } 

When it has to compare two elements, it compares an arrays. When Ruby compares arrays (calls === method), it compares 1st element, and goes to the 2nd elements only if the 1st are equal. ? 1 : 0 garantees, that we'll have Fixnum as 1st element, so it should be no error.

If you do ? 0 : 1, nil will appear at the end of array instead of begining.
Here is an example:

irb> [2, 5, 1, nil, 7, 3, nil, nil, 4, 6].sort_by { |i| [i ? 1 : 0, i] } => [nil, nil, nil, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]  irb> [2, 5, 1, nil, 7, 3, nil, nil, 4, 6].sort_by { |i| [i ? 0 : 1, i] } => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, nil, nil, nil] 
like image 175
Nakilon Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 22:11
