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Sorting a nested array from model in Ember?

So I have a model in Ember that is generating a hash with three objects. One of the objects is an array of objects with another array inside each object. I need to sort this innermost array, but I am having trouble doing so.

Here are my models.

App.Person = DS.Model.extend ({
    first_name: DS.attr('string'),
    last_name: DS.attr('string'),
    age: DS.attr('string'),
    gender: DS.attr('string'),
    innerMostArray: DS.hasMany('innerMostObject')

App.innerMostObject = DS.Model.extend ({
    person_id: DS.belongsTo('person'),
    attr1: DS.attr('string'),
    attr2: DS.attr('string')

Here is my Route

App.NestedArrayRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function(params) {
        return Ember.RSVP.hash({
            object1: this.store.find('object1', params.object1_id),
            people: this.store.all('person'),
            object3: this.store.all('object3')
    afterModel: function(model, transition) {
        model.people.forEach(function(item, index, enumerable){
            var innerMostArray = item.get('innerMostArray');
            var sortedArray = innerMostArray.sortBy('attr1', 'attr2');

I know that I am nowhere near doing this right but I just don't know how to sort this nested array. I've seen examples of array controllers, but I don't know how to use one to sort this nested array. If anyone could give an example of how to do this it would be very helpful. Thank you.

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lfitzgibbons Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 18:02


2 Answers

I agree with Kalmans answer, but I suggest you do this sorting with built-in methods to save you trouble:

App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
   name: DS.attr('string'),
   fruits: DS.hasMany('fruit', {async: true}),
   fruitSorting: ['title', 'color'],
   sortedFruits: Ember.computed.sort('fruits', 'fruitSorting')

I forked his example here: http://emberjs.jsbin.com/manutu/1/edit?html,js,output

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thriqon Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 07:02


One way to do this is to create a computed property on the model as follows:

App.Person = DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  fruits: DS.hasMany('fruit', { async: true }),
  sortedFruits: function(){
    var fruits = this.get('fruits');
    return fruits.sortBy('title', 'color');
  }.property('[email protected]', '[email protected]')

Working example here

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Kalman Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 07:02
