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Sorting a hash by value when it has many keys





I believe this is how you would normally sort a hash by value:

foreach my $key (sort { $hash{$a} <=> $hash{$b} } (keys %hash) ) {
    print "$key=>$hash{$key}";

This would print out the values smallest to largest.

Now, what if I have a hash like this:


How could I sort by values and get all the keys as well?

like image 891
petranaya Avatar asked Aug 19 '11 20:08


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For example we can sort the hash first by the Position value, and among the entries with the same Position value we can sort by the value of the Max field. In order to do this we will use the following expression: my @maxed = sort { $data->{$a}{Position} <=> $data->{$b}{Position}

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Sorting Hashes in Ruby To sort a hash in Ruby without using custom algorithms, we will use two sorting methods: the sort and sort_by. Using the built-in methods, we can sort the values in a hash by various parameters.

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1 Answers

I would just create a new hash:

my %new;
for my $k1 (keys %hash) {
  for my $k2 (keys %{$hash{$k1}}) {
    for my $k3 (keys %{$hash{$k1}{$k2}}) {
      $new{$k1,$k2,$k3} = $hash{$k1}{$k2}{$k3};

my @ordered = sort { $new{$a} <=> $new{$b} } keys %new;
for my $k (@ordered) {
  my @keys = split($;, $k);
  print "key: @k      - value: $new{$k}\n";
like image 200
ErikR Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11
