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Sort sequelize.js query by date

Post   .findAll({where: {tag: 'news'}, limit: 10})   .success(function(result) { ... }) 

How to insert the condition of sorting by date in my query with not using sequelize.query like

.findAll({ limit: 10, sort: [updatedAt, descending]}) 
like image 699
khex Avatar asked Dec 21 '13 11:12


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2 Answers

@dankohn is correct and that will work but it is safer to use the following:

Post.findAll({ limit: 10, order: [['updatedAt', 'DESC']]}); 

as this

will escape updatedAt and validate DESC against a list of valid direction parameters

like image 89
Clarkie Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09


Here's the syntax:

Post.findAll({ limit: 10, order: '"updatedAt" DESC' }) 

Here are more examples from the official documentation.

like image 30
Dan Kohn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Dan Kohn