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sort output of describe-instances?

I saw the previous question on this topic, but the answer was just "pipe it to a scripting language!", which I find unsatisfying. I know that JMESPath has sort_by, and sort, but I can't figure out how to use them.

I have

aws ec2 describe-instances \
   --filters "Name=tag:Group,Values=production" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" "Name=tag:Name,Values=prod-*-${CURRENT_SHA}-*" \
   --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value]' \
   --output table

And it outputs the right data, just in a random order. I want to sort by the last column of the data, Tag Name, aka Tags[?Key==`Name`], which in raw form looks like this:

  "Tags": [{
    "Value": "application-server-ab3634b34364a-2",
    "Key": "Name"
  }, {
    "Value": "production",
    "Key": "Group"


like image 880
ColinK Avatar asked Jun 08 '18 00:06


People also ask

How do I get a list of EC2 instances?

Go to VPC dashboard https://console.aws.amazon.com/vpc/home and click on Running instances -> See all regions . Example output: $ aws.

How do you sort the list of instances by the launch time?

Use the AWS CLI tools to generate a list instances, then pipe them to JQ to show only their launch time and instance id. Finally use sort to bring them out in runtime order.

What are the different output formats available when working with the AWS CLI?

The AWS CLI supports the following output formats: json – The output is formatted as a JSON string. yaml – The output is formatted as a YAML string. yaml-stream – The output is streamed and formatted as a YAML string.

What command is used to describe the specified instances or all of AWS account's instances?

If you use this parameter, DescribeInstances returns a description of the specified instances. Otherwise, it returns a description of every instance. --cli-input-json (string) Performs service operation based on the JSON string provided.

2 Answers

short answer


[] | sort_by(@, &[3])

at the end of your expression. The brackets ([]) will flatten the structure, sort_by(...) will sort the result (which is a four-column table) by the fourth column. The full query will be:

--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value][] | sort_by(@, &[3])'

long answer

inspecting your current query result

According to the describe-instances docs, the structure of the describe-instances output looks like this:

  "Reservations": [
      "Instances": [
          "LaunchTime": "..LaunchTime..",
          "InstanceId": "R1I1",
          "PrivateIpAddress": "..PrivateIpAddress..",
          "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "foo"}]
          "LaunchTime": "..LaunchTime..",
          "InstanceId": "R1I2",
          "PrivateIpAddress": "..PrivateIpAddress..",
          "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "baz"}]
      "Instances": [
          "LaunchTime": "..LaunchTime..",
          "InstanceId": "R2I1",
          "PrivateIpAddress": "..PrivateIpAddress..",
          "Tags": [{"Key": "Name", "Value": "bar"}]

Using your original query

--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value]'

will output


flattening the query result

You can see in the above result of your query that you're getting a list of tables ([[{},{}],[{}]]). I suppose you instead want a single non-nested table ([{},{},{}]). To achieve that, simply add [] at the end of your query, i.e.

--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value][]'

This will flatten the structure, resulting in


Now it's time to sort the table.

sorting the table

When using sort_by you shouldn't forget to prepend the expression by & (ampersand). This way you specify a reference to that expression, which is then passed to sort_by.

example: data | sort_by(@, &@) is equivalent to data | sort(@).

The TagName in the table you create ([LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,TagName]) is the fourth column. You can get that column by piping the table to the expression [3]:

TableExpression | [3]

But instead, you want to sort the table by the fourth column. You can do so like this:

TableExpression | sort_by(@, &[3])

and the resulting query will be:

--query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[LaunchTime,InstanceId,PrivateIpAddress,Tags[?Key==`Name`][] | [0].Value] | sort_by(@, &[3])'

Query result:

like image 51
myrdd Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09


As an enhancement to @ColinK's answer, I wanted to sort a table that had custom column headers but struggled with the syntax. I eventually got it to work so I thought I'd share in case someone else wanted to do the same. I added a column for State and sorted by that column.

--query 'sort_by(Reservations[*].Instances[*].{LaunchTime:LaunchTime, ID:InstanceId,IP:PrivateIpAddress,State:State.Name,Name:Tags[?Key==`Name`] | [0].Value}[], &State)' 
like image 31
TreverW Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
