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Sort list of strings and place numbers after letters in python

I have a list of strings that I want to sort.

By default, letters have a larger value than numbers (or string numbers), which places them last in a sorted list.

>>> 'a' > '1'
>>> 'a' > 1

I want to be able to place all the strings that begins with a number at the bottom of the list.


Unsorted list:

['big', 'apple', '42nd street', '25th of May', 'subway']

Python's default sorting:

['25th of May', '42nd street', 'apple', 'big', 'subway']

Requested sorting:

['apple', 'big', 'subway', '25th of May', '42nd street']
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Nir Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 05:07


1 Answers

>>> a = ['big', 'apple', '42nd street', '25th of May', 'subway']
>>> sorted(a, key=lambda x: (x[0].isdigit(), x))
['apple', 'big', 'subway', '25th of May', '42nd street']

Python's sort functions take an optional key parameter, allowing you to specify a function that gets applied before sorting. Tuples are sorted by their first element, and then their second, and so on.

You can read more about sorting here.

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grc Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09
