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Sort dependent child array in php

I want to sort array based on child values, I want parent child array at first position then its child and then its grand child and so on... based on its "Parent" value here is my example array,

$array= Array( 
            Array("self"=>"user4", "parent"=>"user6"),
            Array("self"=>"user2", "parent"=>"user1"),
            Array("self"=>"user1", "parent"=>"user4"),
            Array("self"=>"user5", "parent"=>"user2"),
            Array("self"=>"user6", "parent"=>"user3"),
            Array("self"=>"user3", "parent"=>"Parent") // it will be anything

this array should be sorted like below

[0] => Array
        [self] => user3
        [parent] => Parent

[1] => Array
        [self] => user6
        [parent] => user3

[2] => Array
        [self] => user4
        [parent] => user6

[3] => Array
        [self] => user1
        [parent] => user4

[4] => Array
        [self] => user2
        [parent] => user1

[5] => Array
        [self] => user5
        [parent] => user2
like image 516
Sanjay Avatar asked Dec 11 '15 10:12


1 Answers

You can use it in the following way:

$array= Array( 
            Array("self"=>"user4", "parent"=>"user6"),
            Array("self"=>"user2", "parent"=>"user1"),
            Array("self"=>"user1", "parent"=>"user4"),
            Array("self"=>"user5", "parent"=>"user2"),
            Array("self"=>"user6", "parent"=>"user3"),
            Array("self"=>"user3", "parent"=>"Parent") // it will be anything
$result = "";
foreach($array as $val)
    if($val['parent']== 'Parent')
        $result[] = $val;
function getNextNode($child)
    global $array;
    global $result;
    foreach($array as $val)
        if($val['parent'] == $child)
            $result[] = $val;
echo "<pre/>";

You get the desired result.

like image 192
rajausman haider Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 10:11

rajausman haider