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Sort array of custom objects by date swift


I have a custom object "Meeting" I am adding all the objects in an array. What I want to do is sort the array from Meeting.meetingDate.

I'm also using Parse, I have two queries and putting the results into one array.

I am able to add the data to "meetingData", but not sort it.

Can anyone help with this?

So my array is:

var meetingsData = [Meeting]() 

The Meeting class is:

public class Meeting: PFObject, PFSubclassing {    @NSManaged public var meetingTitle: String?   @NSManaged public var meetingLocation: String?   @NSManaged public var meetingNotes: String?   @NSManaged public var meetingDuration: String?   @NSManaged public var createdBy: User?   @NSManaged public var meetingTime: NSDate?   @NSManaged public var meetingDate: NSDate?  } 

The contents of the array is like so:

<Meeting: 0x125edd040, objectId: xIqx7MoRd6, localId: (null)> { createdBy = "<PFUser: 0x125d627c0, objectId: RKCWJRj84O>"; meetingDate = "2015-08-29 17:07:12 +0000"; meetingDuration = "2 hours 2 mins"; meetingLocation = 4th Floor; meetingNotes = With Investors; meetingTime = "2015-08-24 09:00:17 +0000"; meetingTitle = Meeting with Investors; } <Meeting: 0x125ed95f0, objectId: tz4xx5p9jB, localId: (null)> { createdBy = "<PFUser: 0x125d627c0, objectId: RKCWJRj84O>"; meetingDate = "2015-08-23 23:00:00 +0000"; meetingDuration = "1 hour"; meetingLocation = "Emirates Stadium, London"; meetingNotes = "Football"; meetingTime = "2000-01-01 20:00:00 +0000"; meetingTitle = "Liverpool V Arsenal"; } <Meeting: 0x125ed95f0, objectId: tz4xx5p9jB, localId: (null)> { createdBy = "<PFUser: 0x125d627c0, objectId: RKCWJRj84O>"; meetingDate = "2015-09-23 23:00:00 +0000"; meetingDuration = "1 hour"; meetingLocation = "Library"; meetingNotes = "Dev Team"; meetingTime = "2000-01-01 10:00:00 +0000"; meetingTitle = "Code Review"; } 

I have tried to do this Swift how to sort array of custom objects by property value but it doesn't work

Thanks in advance

like image 740
Hassan Mahmood Avatar asked Aug 25 '15 13:08

Hassan Mahmood

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2 Answers

NSDate can't be compared with < directly. You can use NSDate's compare method, like in the following code:

meetingsData.sort({ $0.meetingDate.compare($1.meetingDate) == .OrderedAscending }) 

In the above code you can change the order of the sort using the NSComparisonResult enum, that in Swift is implemented like the following:

enum NSComparisonResult : Int {    case OrderedAscending    case OrderedSame    case OrderedDescending } 

I hope this help you.

like image 147
Victor Sigler Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 19:12

Victor Sigler

For Swift 3

meetingsData.sort(by: { $0.meetingDate.compare($1.meetingDate) == .orderedAscending}) 


As dates are now directly comparable in Swift 3, For example.

   let firstDate = Date()    let secondDate = Date()     if firstDate < secondDate {        } else if firstDate == secondDate {            } else if firstDate > secondDate {            } 
like image 36
Ramkrishna Sharma Avatar answered Dec 19 '22 17:12

Ramkrishna Sharma