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Sort alphabetically in Rails

How do I sort an array in Rails (alphabetical order). I have tried:


which that gives me an array with capital letter order and then lower case order. I have tried:

array.sort! { |x,y| x.field_name.downcase <=> y.field_name.downcase }

Is there any way to solve this?

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nisha Avatar asked Aug 26 '13 09:08


2 Answers

You should first downcase every string and then sort like:

array = ["john", "Alice", "Joseph", "anna", "Zilhan"]
array.sort_by!{ |e| e.downcase }
=> ["Alice", "anna", "john", "Joseph", "Zilhan"]
like image 142
Aman Garg Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 00:11

Aman Garg

Be aware - names can contain special characters. These will be sorted to the end.

>> ["Ägidius", "john", "Alice", "Zilhan"].sort_by!{ |e| e.downcase }
=> ["Alice", "john", "Zilhan", "Ägidius"]

To cover this, you can use...

>> ["Ägidius", "john", "Alice", "Zilhan"].sort_by!{ |e| ActiveSupport::Inflector.transliterate(e.downcase) }
=> ["Ägidius", "Alice", "john", "Zilhan"]
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lual Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 23:11
