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Sort a structure of arrays in Matlab

I have a structure of arrays StockInfo in Matlab. The fields of the structure StockInfo are as follows:

StockInfo = 

      Name: {10x1 cell}
    Values: [10x6 double]
    Return: [10x1 double]

I need to sort StockInfo based on the field Return, so that each array in the struct is sorted accordingly. Any idea how to do it?

like image 896
Kiran Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 08:02


1 Answers

As I mentioned in the comment above, you question is unclear. I think you are confusing structures and structure arrays. This post might be of help.

That said, here is an example to show what I think you meant to do.

First I create a structure array with some random data:

% cell array of 10 names
names = arrayfun(@(k) randsample(['A':'Z' 'a':'z' '0':'9'],k), ...
    randi([5 10],[10 1]), 'UniformOutput',false);

% 10x6 matrix of values
values = rand(10,6);

% 10x1 vector of values
returns = randn(10,1);

% 10x1 structure array
StockInfo = struct('Name',names, 'Values',num2cell(values,2), ...

The created variable is a an array of structures:

>> StockInfo
StockInfo = 
10x1 struct array with fields:

where each element is a structure with the following fields:

>> StockInfo(1)
ans = 
      Name: 'Pr3N4LTEi'
    Values: [0.7342 0.1806 0.7458 0.8044 0.6838 0.1069]
    Return: -0.3818

Next can sort this struct array by the "return" field (each struct has a corresponding scalar value):

[~,ord] = sort([StockInfo.Return]);
StockInfo = StockInfo(ord);

The result is that the array is now sorted by the "return" values in ascending order:

>> [StockInfo.Return]
ans =
  Columns 1 through 8
   -0.3818    0.4289   -0.2991   -0.8999    0.6347    0.0675   -0.1871    0.2917
  Columns 9 through 10
    0.9877    0.3929
like image 172
Amro Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 14:02
