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Sonar does not shows up Code Coverage after build successful with Jenkins Sonar plugin


People also ask

How do I show code coverage in sonar?

Viewing the SonarQube report details We can head back to SonarQube at localhost:9000/projects to see the test code coverage report. We can see a reported code coverage of 66.7%.

How do I get Jenkins code coverage?

If you click on the Coverage Report icon, you will see code coverage for each package in your application, and even drill down to see the code coverage (or lack thereof) for an individual class (see Figure 2.31, “Jenkins lets you display code coverage metrics for packages and classes”).

Does sonar give code coverage?

SonarQube measures code quality based on different metrics. The most important metric is the code coverage metric. In this case, no tests have been written, which means you have no code coverage. The cool thing about SonarQube is that it indicates the number of lines that aren't covered by tests.

I am trying to get code coverage with Sonar and Jenkins. I see Jenkins' Sonar plugin successfully executes JUnit test cases and completes build successfully. But Sonar does not show Code Coverage results (always shows 0.0% as the code coverage) on the project. But Sonar does show "Unit test success".

I am using Maven with Jenkins and Sonar.

I get the below message in Jenkins logs while executing the Sonar plugin:

Project coverage is set to 0% as no JaCoCo execution data has been dumped: .../sonar/target/jacoco.exec

Can any one help me how to get correct code coverage on any Sonar project.