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Something similar to Cocoa Pods and Bundler for Android (for dependencies)?

is there anything similar to bundler (ruby) and cocoa pods (ios) for managing dependencies in Android?

like image 602
meow Avatar asked Dec 07 '12 21:12


People also ask

Is CocoaPods like NPM?

Cocoapods is the dependency manager for iOS. Just like npm is for JavaScript (more specifically Node. js) projects.

What is CocoaPods for Android?

CocoaPods Support in the Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Plugin for AppCode. Stanislav Dombrovsky September 14, 2021. Français. Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin for AppCode helps you develop applications for Android and iOS using the unified Gradle project model and provides cross-language code assistance.

Is CocoaPods a package manager?

With the advent of Swift 3.0, Apple has released an official package manager called Swift Package Manager (AKA SPM or SwiftPM), that helps us manage dependencies. But there are two other package managers out there: CocoaPods and Carthage.

2 Answers

Gradle + Maven Central seems to be the Android equivalent.

like image 136
Matthew Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


The maven-android plugin provides similar dependency management. If all of the dependencies are in Maven Central, a typically a simple mvn clean install will build your Android project.

like image 31
SeanPONeil Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09
