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Something can go wrong but it is not an exception

I am often in a situation where I have a method where something can go wrong but an exception would not be right to use because it is not exceptional.

For example:

I am designing a monopoly game. The class Bank has a method buyHouse and a field which counts the number of houses left(there is 32 houses in monopoly). Something that could go wrong is a player buying a house when there is 0 left. How should I handle this. Here is 3 approaches I can come up with.

1. public void buyHouse(Player player, PropertyValue propertyValue)
    if(houseCount < 0) throw new someException;
    //Not really an exceptional situation

2. public boolean buyHouse(Player player, PropertyValue propertyValue)
    if(houseCount < 0) return false;
    //This I think is the most normal approach but changing something
    //and returning if it was a success seems bad practice to me.

3. public boolean housesLeft()
    if(houseCount > 0) return true;

    return false;

    //Introducing a new method. But now I expect the client to call this method
    //first before calling buyHouse(). 

What would you do?

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Mads Andersen Avatar asked Jul 15 '10 01:07

Mads Andersen

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2 Answers

I would do 3 and 1 together. The proper usage of the API is to check if there are houses left before buying one. If, however, the developer forgot to do so, then throw a runtime exception.

If it is a multi-threaded situation (where many people are buying a house simultaneously) it gets more complicated. In that case, I would indeed consider a checked exception, if not a tryToBuyAHouse method that returns a boolean, but a runtime exception on the buyHouse method.

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Yishai Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11


This is very similar to the idea of popping an item off of an empty stack... it is exceptional. You are doing something that should fail.

Think of exceptional situations as cases where you want to notify the programmer that something has gone wrong and you do not want them to ignore it. Using a simple boolean return value isn't "right" since the programmer can just ignore it. Also the idea of having a method that should be called to check that there are houses available is a good idea. But remember that programmers will, in some cases, forget to call it. In that case the exception serves to remind them that they need to call the method to check that a house exists before acquiring it.

So, I would provide the method to check that there are houses, and expect that people will call it and use the true/false return value. In the event that they do not call that method, or ignore the return value, I would throw an exception so that the game does not get put into a bad state.

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TofuBeer Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11
