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Some built-in to pad a list in python

People also ask

Are lists built into Python?

List. Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Lists are one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are Tuple, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage.

What built in list method?

Compares elements of both lists. Returns item from the list with max value. Returns item from the list with min value.

How do you use padding in Python?

The standard way to add padding to a string in Python is using the str. rjust() function. It takes the width and padding to be used. If no padding is specified, the default padding of ASCII space is used.

a += [''] * (N - len(a))

or if you don't want to change a in place

new_a = a + [''] * (N - len(a))

you can always create a subclass of list and call the method whatever you please

class MyList(list):
    def ljust(self, n, fillvalue=''):
        return self + [fillvalue] * (n - len(self))

a = MyList(['1'])
b = a.ljust(5, '')

I think this approach is more visual and pythonic.

a = (a + N * [''])[:N]

There is no built-in function for this. But you could compose the built-ins for your task (or anything :p).

(Modified from itertool's padnone and take recipes)

from itertools import chain, repeat, islice

def pad_infinite(iterable, padding=None):
   return chain(iterable, repeat(padding))

def pad(iterable, size, padding=None):
   return islice(pad_infinite(iterable, padding), size)


>>> list(pad([1,2,3], 7, ''))
[1, 2, 3, '', '', '', '']

gnibbler's answer is nicer, but if you need a builtin, you could use itertools.izip_longest (zip_longest in Py3k):

itertools.izip_longest( xrange( N ), list )

which will return a list of tuples ( i, list[ i ] ) filled-in to None. If you need to get rid of the counter, do something like:

map( itertools.itemgetter( 1 ), itertools.izip_longest( xrange( N ), list ) )