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Solving regular expression recursive strings

The Problem

I could match this string


using this regex


But it wouldn't match


So, this regex would


However, this would fail to match


But again, this new regex would


This is where you can notice the replication, the entire regex pattern of the second regex after the first \( and before the last \) is copied and replaces the center most [^()]*. Of course, this last regex wouldn't match


But, you could always copy replace the center most [^()]* with [^()]*\([^()]*\)[^()]* like we did for the last regex and it'll capture more (xx) groups. The more you add to the regex the more it can handle, but it will always be limited to how much you add.

So, how do you get around this limitation and capture a group of parenthesis (or any two characters for that matter) that can contain extra groups within it?

Falsely Assumed Solutions

I know you might think to just use


But this will match all of


when it should only match the sub-string (xx).

Even this


will not match pairs of parentheses that have pairs nested like


From this, it'll only match up to (xx(xx).

Is it possible?

So is it possible to write a regex that can match groups of parentheses? Or is this something that must be handled by a routine?


The solution must work in the JavaScript implementation of Regular Expressions

like image 466
Sam Avatar asked Dec 15 '12 04:12


Video Answer

1 Answers

If you want to match only if the round brackets are balanced you cannot do it by regex itself..

a better way would be to

1>match the string using \(.*\)

2>count the number of (,) and check if they are equal..if they are then you have the match

3>if they are not equal use \([^()]*\) to match the required string

like image 76
Anirudha Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
