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Solving recurrence equation without the Master's Theorem

So, on a previous exam, I was asked to solve the following recurrence equation without using the Master Theorem:

T(n)= 9T(n/3) + n^2

Unfortunately, I couldn't figure it out on the exam, so I used solved it using the Master's Theorem just so I could know the answer (but, of course, I got no credit for the question), and now I would like to know how to solve it without the master's theorem since on the final exam, there will be similar questions.

If someone could provide a step by step solution (with explanation), that would be brilliant, thanks!

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busebd12 Avatar asked Feb 20 '15 21:02


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1) Substitution Method: We make a guess for the solution and then we use mathematical induction to prove the guess is correct or incorrect. 2) Recurrence Tree Method: In this method, we draw a recurrence tree and calculate the time taken by every level of the tree. Finally, we sum the work done at all levels.

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Recall that we cannot use the Master Theorem if f(n) (the non-recursive cost) is not polynomial. There is a limited 4-th condition of the Master Theorem that allows us to consider polylogarithmic functions.

1 Answers

The trick is to keep expanding until you see the pattern.

= 9 T(n/3) + n^2 
= 9(9T(n/3^2) + n^2/3^2) + n^2 
= 9^2 T(n/3^2) + 2n^2
= 9^2 (9 T(n/3^3) + n^2/3^4) + 2n^2
= 9^3 T(n/3^3) + 3n^2
= ...
= 9^k T(n/3^k) + kn^2

This keeps going until k is such that 3^k = n.

Assuming T(1)=1, you get T(n) = n^2 +kn^2 = n^2 + log_3(n) n^2.

So it looks like T(n) = O(n^2 logn), unless I have made an error.

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MarkG Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 04:09
