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socket io user connection added on every html page refresh?



I have a nodeJS application added with socket io and Express like this:


var storeEachSocket=[];
var io = require('socket.io').listen(80);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
    var clients = io.sockets.clients(); //clients is an array


<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost');

Currently there is only ONE html page served by the server. I found that, after the socket connection was built between html and server(at this time storeEachSocket.length is 1 and clients.length is 1 ),and if I refresh this html page, both storeEachSocket.length and clients.length would be 2, indicating that there are 2 socket connection between this html and the server.I want to know is this normal? the first socket connection would not die out even if after I create the second socket connection?

And I also want to know, if I intend to track this user(html),what shall I do if there are two socket connections used by the one user?

like image 435
user1893787 Avatar asked Dec 11 '12 07:12


People also ask

How keep the Socket connection when you refresh the page?

You cannot keep the same socket.io or webSocket client connection when the page is changed or refreshed. The browser simply does not do that. When a new page is loaded or the current page is refreshed, all resources from the previous page are closed and freed by the browser, including socket.io/webSocket connections.

Does Socket.IO auto reconnect?

In the first case, the Socket will automatically try to reconnect, after a given delay.

How many connections Socket.IO can handle?

As we saw in the performance section of this article, a Socket.IO server can sustain 10,000 concurrent connections.

Is Socket.IO emit asynchronous?

JS, Socket.IO enables asynchronous, two-way communication between the server and the client. This means that the server can send messages to the client without the client having to ask first, as is the case with AJAX.

1 Answers

Refreshing the page doesn't add new connection, it basically removes current connection and creates another new connection. I think you should add a listener to disconnect event and remove the socket in the array that has been disconnected. I also don't believe that io.sockets.clients() would return 2 after refreshing as I've tested it on my machine.

If you want to track users, you need to have a user ID and store it into a key/value pair collection. Then you can restrict a user to create 2 connections by checking the collection in thr authorization handler.

    var storeEachSocket = {};
    io.set('authorization', function(handshake, accept){
      var user = handshake.query;
      if(user.id in storeEachSocket)
         accept('User already connected', false);
         accept(null, true);

    io.on('connection', function(socket){
        var user = socket.handshake.query;
        storeEachSocket[user.id] = socket;

    io.on('disconnect', function(socket){
       var user = socket.handshake.query;
       delete storeEachSocket[user.id]
like image 72
Kevin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09
