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soap client for ruby 1.9 and rails

Untill now I used soap4r as my SOAP-client with Ruby 1.8.x, but now I am moving on to Ruby 1.9.x. Unfortunately soap4r doesn't work with Ruby 1.9.x I just get the "invalid multibyte escape" which seems not solvable, mostly because the soap4r gem wasn't updated since 2007, so I assume the project is dead.

I had a look at handsoap but there I have to map all the stuff by hand it will take several days to do that by hand, it is a big API.

Is there some other soap client which automaticly maps all the soap-xml stuff to ruby-objects (link soap4r did) and vise versa?

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Jeena Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 15:02


1 Answers

Savon abstracts the XML part into a Ruby Hash. Have a look: http://github.com/rubiii/savon

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rubiii Avatar answered Mar 06 '23 18:03
