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SOAP and REST webservice in single application

Is it possible to develop both SOAP and REST webservice in single application using spring boot or spring mvc. I have been looking for some example but not able to find.

For Example: myWebAddress is my application

  1. Passing XML request through SOAPUI to my application by hitting SOAP URL(http://ww.mywebaddress.com/soap)

  2. Passing request as parameter to same application by hitting REST URL(http://ww.mywebaddress.com/soap?parameter)

If possible, could you provide some simple example or link to any example.

Thanks in Advance!!

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user6543599 Avatar asked Dec 18 '16 11:12


1 Answers

Yes, you can create two web service types for the same Spring web application, but you have to be careful with namespaces.

For SOAP, you will publish a WSDL and use an end point. The WSDL will be consumed and a client web service call will be generated on the calling side.

Check this example for soap

For RESTFUL, you will create a @RestController with a @RequestMapping.

Check this example for rest

Also, read:

Can I use SOAP Webservices and Spring MVC together

Both REST and SOAP Web Services for a single application

Can I use Spring MVC and Spring WS in one single application?

like image 187
Sully Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10
