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Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict

Following statement:

INSERT INTO dbo.Changes([Content], [Date], [UserId], [CompanyId]) 
  VALUES (@1, @2, @3, @4);
SELECT @@identity;

gives me this SQL error 3960:

Snapshot isolation transaction aborted due to update conflict. You cannot use snapshot isolation to access table 'dbo.Companies' directly or indirectly in database 'myDatabase' to update, delete, or insert the row that has been modified or deleted by another transaction. Retry the transaction or change the isolation level for the update/delete statement.

As far as I understood, from the error message, I should not update, delete, or insert to table dbo.Companies during the time another connection is modifying dbo.Companies.

But why it occurs when I was inserting a new row to another table dbo.Changes (which has foreign key to dbo.Companies) and I was not deleting the referenced row in dbo.Companies, but I was just updating row in dbo.Companies and not the primary key? This should work ok, shouldn't it? (Is it a bug in SQL Server?)


Tables looks like following:

dbo.Changes([Id] int PK, [Content] nvarchar, 
  [Date] datetime, [UserId] int, [CompanyId] int -> dbo.Companies.[Id])
dbo.Companies([Id] int PK, [Name] nvarchar)

Second update is doing:

UPDATE dbo.Companies WHERE [Id] = @1 SET [Name] = @2;
like image 805
TN. Avatar asked May 23 '12 11:05


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What is Snapshot isolation transaction?

In databases, and transaction processing (transaction management), snapshot isolation is a guarantee that all reads made in a transaction will see a consistent snapshot of the database (in practice it reads the last committed values that existed at the time it started), and the transaction itself will successfully ...

What is snapshot isolation in SQL Server?

The isolation levels in DBMS are used to maintain concurrent execution of transactions without facing interruption through problems like dirty read, phantom read, and non-repeatable read. Snapshot isolation is one such isolation level that achieves the maximum level of concurrency.

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SNAPSHOT isolation specifies that data read within a transaction will never reflect changes made by other simultaneous transactions. The transaction uses the data row versions that exist when the transaction begins.

What is the disadvantage of snapshot isolation and why?

SNAPSHOT ISOLATION is permissive and maintains better consistency than READ COMMITTED SNAPSHOT, with the drawback that due to its conflict resolution may fail when doing updates. Multiple statements within the same transaction are guaranteed to be consistent with each other.

2 Answers

It appears SQL Server will acquire update locks on any record it has to read even if it doesn't modify it.

More info on this microsoft.public.sqlserver.server thread:

Without a supporting index on CustomerContactPerson, the statement


Will require a "current" read of all the rows in CustomerContactPerson to ensure that there are no CustomerContactPerson rows that refer to the deleted ContactPerson row. With the index, the DELETE can determine that there are no related rows in CustomerContactPerson without reading the rows affected by the other transaction.

Additionally, in a snapshot transaction the pattern for reading data which you are going to turn around and update is to take an UPDLOCK when you read. This ensures that you are making your update on the basis of "current" data, not "consistent" (snapshot) data, and that when you issue the DML, it the data won't be locked, and you won't unwittingly overwrite another session's change.

The fix for us was adding indexes to the foreign keys

In your example, I suspect adding an index to Changes.CompanyId will help. I'm not sure if this is a real solution. Can the SQL Server optimizer choose not to use the index?

like image 88
Brian Low Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Brian Low

SQL Server can see an update to a dependent table which COULD modify the behavior of the insert ... seems fair to me as SQL can not guess what other logic might be dependent on the [name] column (triggers etc.)

if your applications implement deadlock retry logic you can modify them to treat error no 3960 the same as error no 1205 and automatically retry ...

like image 42
Jack Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10
