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SMS Service that uses +44 7781 470659 [closed]

I'm trying to figure out what SMS API Service many of the major online services are using for 2 factor authentication (Dropbox, Microsoft, Yahoo, eBay, Blizzard, Steam etc...)

SMS Messages are coming from +44 7781 470659.

I've spent several hours googling for the answer, to no avail. Anyone with experience using SMS APIs happen to recognise it?

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Matt Bolt Avatar asked Apr 28 '16 13:04

Matt Bolt

2 Answers

Seems like legit SMS "broker" who sends out large-scale text messages on behalf of many companies. Microsoft, eBay, Google, Yahoo, the list goes on. However, it's very easy to spoof the sending number, and while the real number is legit, there are reports of scammers spoofing it for nefarious reasons, asking for info, trying to scam you.

This phone number was discussed here as used for ebay: https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/2dr4sl/received_text_from_microsoft_about_a_singleuse/

Also here this number was used for google: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!msg/gmail-es/c7UUBpkgTSA/Y3Shun9SeNkJ

UPD. Guys from Microsoft say that it is Sure (Guernsey) network.

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Jehy Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 04:10


I believe the actual SMS service provider is SMS Gateway (Europe) from CM Telecom, The Netherlands. Microsoft, Facebook, Ikea, AirBnB, McDonald's, WhatsApp, DHL, and BMW are listed as their customers. They have SMS Gateway service in Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. Pretty global.


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Metaphox Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 03:10
