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Smalltalk: What is the sender of a message?

In smalltalk, everything happens by sending messages to receiver objects. Its syntax usually follows the format receiver message, in which receiver is an object that the message is sent to. Now I cant stop wondering, what is the sender of smalltalk messages? Consider the following smalltalk statement:

aMorph color: Color yellow

I can see aMorph as the receiver of message, but what about the sender? The standard smalltalk message syntax has only receiver and the message(selecter + arguments), I cannot identify what and where the sender is. Or perhaps, a message can actually send itself?

I remember browsing through an article about reflection in pharo smalltalk in which it mentioned sender of a message, but I cant find or understand what is this 'sender'. Can anyone explain this to me about this? Thanks.

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Lord Yggdrasill Avatar asked Oct 18 '18 00:10

Lord Yggdrasill

People also ask

Who is the sender of a message?

Updated January 24, 2018. In the communication process, the sender is the individual who initiates a message and is often called the communicator or source of communication. The sender may be a speaker, a writer, or someone who merely gestures.

What is a message in Smalltalk?

The message is the most fundamental language construct in Smalltalk. Even control structures are implemented as message sends. Smalltalk adopts by default a dynamic dispatch and single dispatch strategy (as opposed to multiple dispatch, used by some other object-oriented languages). The following example sends the message 'factorial' to number 42:

What can a Smalltalk object do?

A Smalltalk object can do exactly three things: 1 Hold state (references to other objects). 2 Receive a message from itself or another object. 3 In the course of processing a message, send messages to itself or another object.

How are binary messages evaluated in Smalltalk-80?

Note that because the meaning of binary messages is not hardwired into Smalltalk-80 syntax, all of them are considered to have equal precedence and are evaluated simply from left to right. Because of this, the meaning of Smalltalk expressions using binary messages can be different from their "traditional" interpretation:

1 Answers

The sender is determined and set at runtime whenever a message is sent. From the perspective of the currently executing method, it answers the question 'how did we get here?' In the most common case, the sender would be whatever method sent the message that resulted in the current method being called. (one exception would be a #doesNotUnderstand: handler that redirects a message to some place other than the originally intended destination) In Squeak for example, if you doIt on aMorph color: Color yellow from a workspace, the sender will be UndefinedObject>>DoIt. If you sent the same message from MyObject>>myTestSender, the sender will be MyObject>>myTestSender.

Now let's say you wrapped aMorph in a proxy object myProxy, an instance of MyProxyObject, and its doesNotUnderstand: method forwards everything it receives to the underlying aMorph object. In this case, when you doIt myProxy color: Color yellow, the sender will be MyProxyObject>>doesNotUnderstand:. (unless your doesNotUnderstand: method further manipulates the runtime... which it can do if it needs to) This is actually a good example of when you might need to look at who the sender of #color: is: it's being invoked but you don't understand from where since the proxy adds a level of indirection that may not be obvious to you.

So in order to see who the sender is, you could add the following to the color: method:

Transcript show: thisContext sender asString.

From the perspective of your code, dealing with sender is implicit and handled for you by the Smalltalk runtime during normal code execution. Unless you're troubleshooting some code or otherwise needing to introspect or alter things at runtime, you won't often be looking at the sender.

Now this may raise the question 'what the heck is thisContext?' It's a special variable representing the top of the callstack and is something that many people have a difficult time wrapping their heads around initially. See How does Smalltalk manipulate call stack frames for more information.

Addendum (hopefully this will clear up any confusion between Leandro's answer and mine)

Leandro's answer is looking at sender as a general term and considers the larger historical context, while mine is a more contemporary Squeak/Pharo-centric one and has a very specific meaning. I agree with Leandro's point that the term sender is ambiguous and not standardized across implementations (as our different answers prove.) Just to muddy the waters even further, in the Blue Book references to sender are talking about the sending context... which is neither self nor thisContext sender. However, the links referred to in the comments on the question were explicit in their meaning (i.e. thisContext sender) as is commonly meant when referring to Squeak/Pharo code. So which answer is correct depends on whether you are looking at a specific Smalltalk implementation (in which case, the correct usage is whatever one the implementation you are using has decided on) or as a more general term when talking about no particular Smalltalk implementation (in which case Leandro is correct: it's subject to interpretation as its usage has been overloaded to near-meaninglessness)

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blihp Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 23:10
