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Slow HTML generation with Vaadin

I'm a developer with a problem ;) Currently we're close to an end on our project (using Vaadin) however...

we're getting some trouble with displaying simple data in one of our views. (over 500 KB of data to display, and over 15K DOM elements after Vaadin is done with generating it... + lots, and lots and LOTS seconds before it's done).

My task is to find out how i can make this as small and as fast as possible, so my first guess was to use some other layouts than those avaliable in standar Vaadin.

I used WeeLayout, DashLayout and CssLayout(default), compare is below:

- page size:            990 KB
- DOM elements (SMALL): 1454
- DOM elements (BIG):   15423
- page size:            886 KB
- DOM elements (SMALL): 1434
- DOM elements (BIG):   13799
- page size:            938 KB
- DOM elements (SMALL): 1408 
- DOM elements (BIG):   12163  

It didn't work. So my other guess is to write my own Layout, can someone help me with this ? I even don't know from what should i start.

Thanks Lukasz

like image 842
tzim Avatar asked Apr 22 '11 08:04


2 Answers

So the answer for this is using HTML in CustomLayout.


And thread where Vaadin devel helped me

like image 68
tzim Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 15:11


Have you tried LazyLoadingWrapper add-on?

like image 20
Joonas Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 14:11
