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Slide and change position with jQuery

I am trying to create a very simple slideshow just for the learning purpose. I want to slide the list items to the left automatically in a loop.

I have come up with following code, it slides but I am unable to set the correct position for the slide (as it only flashes and disappears). Check the demo to see the problem:

Here's my fiddle


<div class="wrap">
    <ul class="list">


var width         = $('li').width();
var totalWidth    = $('li').length * width;
var count         = $('li').length;
var first         = $('li').eq(0);
var last          = $('li').eq(count-1);

    'width'     : totalWidth


var start = function() {            
    target = $('.active').index();       
    target === last ? target = 0 : target = target+1;

var nextSlide = function(target) {
    $('.active').animate({'left':'-'+ width*target +'px'},300);

setInterval(function () {
            }, 3000)
like image 408
sam Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 13:01


2 Answers

I have changed Class name only and it works. You was using wrong class active for animation, instead of this you should animation your complete <ul> so i have used class of ul list for left animation:

What i have changed:

$('.active').animate({'left':'-'+ width*target +'px'},300);


$('.list').animate({'left':'-'+ width*target +'px'},300);


like image 199
Manwal Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 18:10


your problem is you don not understand where your li's are actually positioned on way to solve it is to just slide the ul like so:

function slide(){
    $('ul').animate({'left':$('ul').position().left - width},300);


like image 23
Victor Radu Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10

Victor Radu