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Slack: search doesn't reveal bot/app messages



It is a pain to find bot/app (messages w/ APP badge in title) messages. Standard search box doesn't show any of them. Is there any way for actual user (consumer of bot/app) to find such messages posted in the channel?

like image 342
Victor Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 14:06


People also ask

How do I search for an app in Slack?

Click the plus icon to the left of the message field and search for app shortcuts or slash commands. Some Slack apps have bot users that can send messages and post in channels.

Can you search through Slack messages?

Start a searchClick the search field at the top of Slack. Below the search field, select the type of results you want: messages, files, people, or channels. Type what you're looking for into the search field. To narrow your search, you can include modifiers (read more about modifiers in the section below).

Why is Slack not showing messages?

The main reason for not showing Slack messages is that the notification is disabled from Slack settings. You can turn on the notification from the Preference menu.

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Hover over the message you'd like to delete. Click the three dots icon. Click Delete message. Select Delete to confirm.

1 Answers

Yes - this is available via the Slack search UI, but only after you've performed a search already.

Under the Search Results sidebar, look for the Include: subheading. Click on it and check the box labeled Include messages from integrations & bots to update your search and include messages from APP/bot users.

Slack search results screenshot

like image 151
Adil B Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 07:10

Adil B